Washington: Your Calls Needed to Help Pass SB5142
Senate Bill 5142 , not drafted by HSLDA, (Home School Legal Defense Association) was introduced on January 17, 2011, and passed the Senate 48-0 on February 28. It is currently scheduled for an executive session in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 a.m. on March 24.
It is a rather timely issue as just this last week I personally have seen two instances of the local public school "officials" calling these parent partnership programs they host within their own facilities, :homeschooling" when they are actually NOT homeschool, but "public school" programs.
Currently,there is a push to cut government spending by stopping these Alternative Learning Experience programs and people in them are, of course, sad that they might end and they are rallying support for the program. In doing do some call them homeschool programs. It must be known and made clear to everyone that these are NOT "homeschooling" programs. The public needs to know that "Homeschoolers" take NO money from the state in order to school their kids at home!
So if you hear about Parnt partnership programs at you local public school.... or "homeschool programs in the public school." BEWARE. Guess what? There is no such thing....
Your tax dollars pay for those kids in the parent partnership program to go skiing, while the school does not even provide paper and crayons and glue for your regular classroom child, but those kids are not homeschoolers; they are not being homeschooled as defined by the home based education law. Children and their parents enrolled in a PPP or ALE, are public school students!
This Bill will help make it clear the difference between these public school programs and home based education... which is HOMESCHOOL!
HSLDA recently sent out this E-Alert:
Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:
We need your help to get Senate Bill 5142 out of the House Education Committee. The Committee has schedule an executive work session on the bill for March 24, and we would like to see the bill passed out with a favorable recommendation.
Senate Bill 5142 clarifies that alternative learning experience (ALE) programs are public school programs and that a student enrolled full-time in an ALE program is a full-time public school student. The bill prohibits these ALE programs from promoting themselves as homeschool programs and requires them to provide honest information about what they are.
Currently some ALE programs in Washington promote themselves as home-based education because they allow much of the actual instruction to be provided by parents. This has led some parents in these programs to assume that they are homeschooling their children. However, under state law an ALE program is considered an extension of public school. Everything with these programs, from the instruction time required to the curriculum used, is not up to the parents but is up to public school officials. While many of these ALE programs are friendly to homeschoolers, if a student is enrolled full-time in the program, the student is a public school student.
Senate Bill 5142 does not change what ALE programs are; they have always been public school programs. However, the bill does require ALE programs to be clearer in what they tell parents. Since this bill provides more information to allow parents to make an informed decision, we support this bill.
Please contact the House Education Committee members listed below to urge them to support this bill. If you are able to contact all of the members before March 24, that would help ensure that this bill passes out of the committee.
1) Please call and email the House Education Committee members listed below and give them this message in your own words:
"Please vote in favor of Senate Bill 5142. This bill helps ensure that parents are given all the information about alternative learning experience programs. Parents should be able to know whether their child is a full-time or part-time public school student. Thank you for supporting SB 5142."
House Education Committee Members
Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (D) Chair
Phone: (360) 786-7944 Email: sharontomiko.santos@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Kristine Lytton (D) Vice Chair
Phone: (360) 786-7800 Email: kristine.lytton@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Bruce Dammeier (R) (ranking member)
Phone: (360) 786-7948 Email: bruce.dammeier@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Glenn Anderson (R) (asst. ranking member)
Phone: (360) 786-7876 Email: glenn.anderson@leg.wa.gov
Rep. John Ahern (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7962 Email: john.ahern@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Jan Angel (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7964 Email: jan.angel@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Andy Billig (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7888 Email: andy.billig@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Cathy Dahlquist(R)
Phone: (360) 786-7846 Email: cathy.dahlquist@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Susan Fagan (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7942 Email: susan.fagan@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Fred Finn (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7902 Email: fred.finn@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Kathy Haigh (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7966 Email: kathy.haigh@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Mark Hargrove (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7918 Email: mark.hargrove@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Sam Hunt (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7992 Email: sam.hunt@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Brad Klippert (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7882 Email: brad.klippert@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Joel Kretz (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7988 Email: joel.kretz@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Connie Ladenburg (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7906 Email: connie.ladenburg@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Marko Liias (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7972 Email: marko.liias@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Marcie Maxwell (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7894 Email: marcie.maxwell@leg.wa.gov
Rep. John McCoy (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7864 Email: john.mccoy@leg.wa.gov
Rep. Tim Probst (D)
Phone: (360) 786-7994 Email: tim.probst@leg.wa.gov
Rep. J.T. Wilcox (R)
Phone: (360) 786-7912 Email: jt.wilcox@leg.wa.gov
While HSLDA did not draft or introduce Senate Bill 5142, we have
reviewed the bill and strongly support it.
Senate Bill 5142 was introduced on January 17, 2011, and passed the
Senate 48-0 on February 28. It is currently scheduled for an executive
session in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 a.m. on March 24.
If you are not yet a member of HSLDA and would like to help us fight
for greater homeschool freedom in Washington please visit
http://www.hslda.org/join/apply.asp .
If you would like to be put on our free email list to receive vital
e-lerts you may sign up at
https://secure.hslda.org/hslda/elert/account.asp?Process=Subscribe .
Thank you for your part in fighting for freedom in Washington.
Thomas Schmidt
HSLDA Staff Attorney
The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:
Home School Legal Defense Association
P.O. Box 3000
Purcellville, Virginia 20134
Phone: (540) 338-5600
Fax: (540) 338-2733
Email: info@hslda.org
Web: http://www.hslda.org
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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Day at the Races, Turtle Races and Other Fun Paper Toys
These photos were taken on a really busy and playful day where we made all sorts of papery things that we printed from www.thetoymaker.com. . We made and played with paper people , a.k.a. paper dolls, (both boys and girls,) which we dressed in their fancy historical costumes... dogs in a dog show, (which had a wide variety of dog breeds and the kids took turns being the various dogs, doing dogs tricks and distributing prizes! 
We made a paper rabbit and a frog...
and some fun animal finger puppets which did a very nice puppet show,
and best of all, we made turtles!
I am not sure "why" exactly, but the turtles were an absolute hit! Before I knew knew it, everyone getting into the action, coloring one, or two, or three turtle to call their own! . When we ran out of printed ones we began tracing the ones we had made and making our own!
Even the residetnt teenager could not resist and got into the action.
Of course,
it had to be
But with permission, I snuck a peek.
Everyone was having fun together and was in the mood for playing with, cutting out and coloring... and racing ...turtles. It was a glorious day of good, old-fashioned, family fun!
When we were done coloring the turtles, Papa set up the turtle race course, and before long they were all off and running!
Did I say running? I really mean... RUNNING.
This was the really fun part....
You see, no one but Papa and I really knew what the race would be like and even we were a bit surprised to see it in action. It was great! The kids had tied a string to their own turtles and were just pulling them around the room on the floor, ready to race! They envisioned that they would be pulling their turtle, pushing it, maybe even running with it to be in the "Turtle Race" that they were preparing for. Finally, the race was on and they lined up, following our directions. Ready to have a go at it.
You can only perhaps imagine their surprise when they were told to simply jiggle the string in their hands to make the turtles run all the way to the chairs and over the finish line! And boy, was it a surprise to us all to actually see them all go!
Here they are at the start line... on their marks and ready to go!
The paper turtles will be racing to those chairs.
"ON your shell,
get ready...
and running!
Hooray for Turtle Day!
You can find these neat printables and more at www.thetoymaker.com.
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