Religion's role in public education?
Values taught in classrooms?
What is the homeschool movement's history?
Here is a C SPAN video aired 2/21/1997 ... Freedom Forum 1997 C-Span. Watch and listen as the participants discuss the rights of parents to determine curriculum and school practices for their children in public school. This is a great video for those interested in current parental rights legislation, homeschool history and for anyone simply seeking to know more about the issues that have and do face parents with children both in and out of in public education.
The diverse panel here examines the importance of parental involvement in education as well as the frequent conflicts that occur in public schools, particularly in the area between parental rights and freedom of speech issues. The panel also takes questions from the audience.
Brandt, Ron Moderator Freedom Forum- First Amendment Center
Carter, Gene Executive Director of the Association for Superv. and Curric. Development
Fege, Arnold Director of the National Parent-Teacher Association
Haynes, Charles C. Senior Scholar Freedom Forum- First Amendment Center
Igor, Shirley Vice President of the National Parent-Teacher Association
Klicka, Christopher Senior Counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association
Mincberg, Elliot Vice President and Gen.Counsel of People for the American Way-Legal Affairs
Morrison, Robert Analyst for the Family Research Council-Policy
Thomas, Oliver Counsel from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Fast Forward... to the year 2013. Has progress been made?
Remember when Melissa Harris-Perry made her famous statement about who children belong to?
"We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities."
Do your kids belong to their communities and NOT their parents?
Harris-Perry later said she thought the spot had been "relatively benign," and was surprised by the reaction people had to her saying that. She also assured viewers that she did not intend to steal their children from them, bit also said that she stood by her statement.
"I believe our children are not our private property," Harris-Perry said. "They are not just extensions of ourselves." ... "This isn't about me wanting to take your kids this is about whether we as a society, expressing our collective will through our public institutions, including our government, have a right to impinge on individual freedoms in order to advance a common good. And that is exactly the fight that we have been having for a couple hundred years.”
Who does your child belong to? Who has the best interest of YOUR child at heart? You or someone else? Why would you, as parent, give your child's well being into the hands of someone else without you being the one to oversee what they do with your child and having the final say?
Please watch the 34 minute video: OVERRULED.
If you have not already, or if you cannot watch the full OVERRULED video, watch the shorter, 7 minute trailer. Here.
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