Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Homeschoolers Best Rescource

So many times parents think that they could not homeschool because they cannot afford books and materials to do so.  They browse the internet and get overwhelmed by the plethora of homeschooling resources; they feel  intimidated and sometimes deterred by the cost, especially when they consider that public school and the state run school-at-home programs are presumed to be "free."  If that is you, be careful not to let the financial outlook blur your vision for home educating your own children!  In the planning for your homeschool year, there is one homeschool resource that you may have overlooked, and it's not only invaluable, but small enough to carry with you everywhere you go.  It's the Library card!  And would you believe, just ike the public school, it's free to you, thanks to the money people like you pay in taxes. 

Yes, it is free!  With your card you also get in-library (free) wi-fi connection, free computer use with accessibility to a printer, and you can make serveral copies for free!  You can use this both as a teacher finding resources or as a researching student.  There is computer software you can use and some common office software you can borrow.  There are books and books and more books, as well as educational and entertainment videos, computer games and music. In fact, the local library in Spokane boasts a collection of popular materials of approximately one-half million items, and best of all it's FREE!

Libraries have information on all kind of subjects of interest to you and your little learners.  They have a great educational support system and they advertise that it even includes" on-line tutoring"    and various digital opportunities that you can access via computer at home too.  The Library card is one thing that no family doing life and learning together (in or out of regular school) should be without.

 Kids can ask, (even call the librarian) and ask for help in finding information or answers to their important questions.  Parents and kids can request titles to be bought for library use.  Families can pick up a themed book bag..... and learn something new!  One other thing you might want to know is that your local library offers the use of their  meeting rooms (low cost and sometimes FREE) for public use, giving you a workspace to meet up with other families who homeschool.  The library also hosts various activities you and or your children can take part in,.  They offer STAR classes to make you more comfortable teaching your kids and all sorts of adult workshops as well as classes for teens 
There is even  story-time for preschool aged children and group activities of interest to  older kids, which all just might have a place in your homeschool and be of benefit to you so that you can spend less money on materials for your homeschool.

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