Saturday, February 8, 2014

Road to Ruin

"Nationwide, about two-thirds of fourth-grade students read below levels that are considered proficient, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress."

"Only 57 percent of the district’s fourth-graders are passing the statewide writing test... "

Our American educational system is under assault. Nothing new... right?

Listen to the people in this video clip and you will better understand why and what has been done to our educational system and remember, as an independent homeschooler you can actually teach your child to read and write!  They can learn and play which will in turn will prepare them for college and their future work.  It also will not cost the taxpayer a cent!  In public school or in private, remember, YOU are the parent and thereby you are the primary educator of your own children and you must always have a voice in  and over their education!

Watch the 30 minute,trailer video Road to Ruin on You Tube 
Here are some QUOTES from the video:

"You should know that the planned deliberate dumbing-down of America was started in Socialist John Dewey....with his attack on the primary school's emphasis on teaching children to read. This emphasis sustained the "capitalist individualistic system" and it produced high literacy whereby the average American could read anything and think for himself."
Samuel Blumenfeld

"What Dewey deliberately ignored was the tremendous language learning faculty that every child is born with, and that teaching a child to read at that early age expands the child's mastery of language which is the key to academic success... Dewey and his Socialist colleagues were determined to change individualist America into a collectivist society."

Samuel Blumenfeld

Regarding School to Work: 

"Education is for the intrinsic enhancement of the individual, because the individual can then continue the culture.... instead of having limited learning for lifelong labor, which is where we are going to, and that is what "School to Work" is. That is what "School Choice" is, that is what linking schools 
and businesses... industry is."

Cynthia Weatherly

"Once you take a government dollar, you have to meet "government" standards."

Cynthia Weatherly
(Speaking to issue of "voucher' legislation.)

Quoting C.S. Lewis, 
regarding the trend of training people 
rather than educating them
 to read and think....
"When training beats education, civilization dies..."                                                                                                                                                          Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Learn more about Charlotte Iserbyt here.  (<--- a="" color="#cc0000" font="">must see!")

Free download of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
 is available at her website:

"Schools have been there educating the kids adequately until they were told what the "standards were going to be."

A. Patrick Huff

Commenting on her personal experiences with 
"social promotion," new grouping methods,
 the "whole word" teaching instruction, marking on a curve, 
 intrusive surveys, modern math, faulty textbooks:
"I never dreamed that it was part of a plan to remove God from our lives, to weaken families or to dumb down and stupefy American citizens and foreign students in our colleges and universities..."
Bettina Dobbs

"I was asked to sign a statement..... that promised I would teach the mission of world government."

Jane Aitken

"One day via the intercom, (the principal directed meeting saying, ) "come down to the music room just for 5 minutes after the kids leave, and he put a chair in the middle of the room and said, "We have to start thinking about not celebrating Christmas in school, it's okay if you celebrate the winter solstice, but not Christmas."

Jane Aitken

"Years after I graduated from the international school, I.B.  appeared as an option and I wondered "why?"..... It was obvious that IB intends to create a particular KIND 
of global citizen.  The IB brand is troubling...."

Debra Niwa

"I still thought it was isolated situation, but it soon became apparent that it was something much bigger... we peeled away and discovered PPBS (planning-programming-budgeting system,) a management form of governance had been superimposed over our Constitutional representative republic, without a shot being fired."

Mary Thompson

"...This insidious plan already has widespread
 support in many quarters, left unchecked, the consequences will be an unimaginable amount 
of power and control over society in the hands of a few." 
Mary Thompson quoting Robert H. Burke
See also Burkes report:

"A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy"

Kelleigh Nelson

See the brochure for this conference in full   Read about the DVD offered at Amazon here  (Read the reviews) It's titled: Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education (August 2013)

Does this stuff affect us here Spokane?  Today?  Yes!   Read these related informational links:

January 2014, Spokesman Review articles on "charter schools" in Spokane

Oct 24, 2013 - Spokesman Review article, "Spokane School Principal Offering a Global Perspective"

"At a time when Spokane Public Schools is revamping its curriculum,...."

 Continue reading article here:

How we got here:

September 1997 Spokesman Review article, Three Seeking Spokane School Board 
"School-to-work programs? They steal precious time from academics, says McCann. “They’re going to be out in apprenticeships instead of classrooms. Are they missing English? Chemistry?”Parents are losing more and more power over their children’s education, McCann says. “They used to be the primary educators, and now they’re called partners. I really believe they’ve been demoted.”

Spokane Schools "School to Work" 1997 
"Children will begin focusing on specific careers as early as middle school and select classes based on those choices by the time they’re juniors."

Associated Press Article, 1996, Spokesman Review article noting that the superintendent didn't read the application before signing....
"Fox said Idaho may not have had to go through a year of debate if she had taken the time to read the application before she signed. But Karen Fraley, executive director of Idaho’s School-to-Work program, said there likely would have been changes regardless of what the superintendent did.

"Some people have criticized School-to-Work for forcing students into a particular career path, or away from college. That’s not the case, according to Henninger. “Mainly you’re trying to help kids understand their strengths, their weaknesses and that motivation plays a part in this (career choice),” he said. “It’s entirely voluntary.”"

Do you live in Nine Mile Falls? Concerned about Education Isues?   Old news for some of us....but you might be int4rested to know...."The Nine Mile Falls School District began education reform (systems education, aka outcome-based, aka performance-based, aka competency-based education) in the 1992/93 school year. "

"Employers involved in School to Work programs are not required to have a Minor Work Permit Endorsement: School-to-Work students learn work skills by doing real jobs in real work settings as a part of their high school program. But they are not really employees and are protected by school district agreements with the employers rather than L&I enforcement of the minor work rules."

Students Learn About Healthy Choices.... a 2003 "School to Work" project:

1 comment:

  1. The entire video series is available FREE on Charlotte Iserbyt's Youtube Channel


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