Many people send their children to the public school because they think they have no other option. They have never thought of homeschooling and if they did, they then thought that for them it was not possible. Some send kids to school for the nostalgia of it all.... cheer-leading, football games.... It is what a parent themselves did when they were a kid. Others choose public school because it is the "free" option. You have to pay for private school. However there are those who do not think of it as a free education, but believe that they pay for it via their property taxes and thereby believe they are simply getting their money's worth. No matter what form of education you choose, remember that when it comes to your choice of education for your own children, your kids are YOUR kids. You as parent, are the gatekeeper for your children, protector and provider. You are to have jurisdiction over what is best for them, especially in regards to what they learn.
An September 2013 Answers In Genesis article by Al Mohler, (currently the President of the Southern Baptist Convention,) addresses the political and ideological secularization of the public school system and It is a good read for anyone who knows nothing about the NEA and it's agenda for our public schools. In case you are unaware, NEA stands for the National Education Association and it is the main labor union for teachers and educators. Parents need to understand who this entity is as well as the history of our public school system and take responsibility and action in the area of educating our nations kids. Mohler writes to educate readers on the motives and agenda of the NEA
If you know the wonder of of your children, if you believe that your children can trust and rely upon you as their parent (before some total stranger who is simply emplyed by the school, then you need to be aware of what the NEA has in mind. (Article by Albert Mohler, here) Parents of school-age children need to know what the NEA has planned nationally for our kids.
Mohler, citing his examples from the NEA's 2012-2013 convention, informed readers that:
The NEA pushes educational programs that increase acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, regardless of the parents’ views.
The NEA believes government schools should supply family planning instruction and resources directly to children.
The NEA opposes parental efforts to restrict obscene and offensive books in school libraries and classrooms.
As mothers and fathers, we need to realize that we can make a choice and the choices we make, the voice we have as parents is important in the life of our kids. Some people privately educate, to have more of a say than in a public school setting, to be more purposed in suject areas or content. One problem with public education is that many people just hand their kids over and think education will happen at school without parental involvement. They are wrong. No matter your choice, parents must be involved.
One problem with public education is that the collective whole that is involved in the NEA unions, often mistakenly think they always know better than parents, what is good for kids. This is a force driven primarily by the NEA.. In public school it is sometimes very difficult for the parent to be recognized as anything but an appendage to the child, and seldom are they in anyway, shape or form, the director of the education of their own kids. However, there are teachers, as well as parents in the system who both respect and/or assert parental concerns and this can benefit everyone because here, in America, "we the people" fund and run our school system.... right? Let's make no mistake, the NEA, though not well kknown by parents, is often a powerful voice in educational arenas..
On the other hand, If you are homeschooling,or if you are thinking about homeschooling, you need to know what homeschooling is, and isn't and understand that you legally, (without the NEA's approval or oversight,) can and do, without a doubt,, direct the education of your own kids. The NEA hates not having this control.
This is not part of Mohler's article, but just because you homeschool,do not think for a moment that the NEA is ignoring you.. They really object (as a group entity) to parents having any say over their kids, and do nnot be deceived, the NEA disapproves of home based education. Every year the NEA makes resolutions and every years the NEA stands firm that home schooling parents should not be allowed to do so. They also say that if they do so that they should only be allowed to if they are licensed by the state, and hold that any such students should be assessed according to state curriculum standards. Keep in mind, the NEA is against both private education and parent choice in public schools, (school vouchers. ) They hold that automony is not a good thing.... and of course, if you send your kids to private school you are selfish, only looking out for your own interests and the interests of your kids.
The 2011 NEA resolution regarding "homeschooling:"is as follows:
"B-82. Home Schooling. The National Education Association believes that home schooling programs based on parental choice cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience. When home schooling occurs, students enrolled must meet all state curricular requirements, including the taking and passing of assessments to ensure adequate academic progress. Home schooling should be limited to the children of the immediate family, with all expenses being borne by the parents/guardians. Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education censure agency, and a curriculum approved by the state department of education should be used."
Every year, there are new NEA resolutions. You can hear a report from Phylis Schaffly on the 2013-2014 NEAresolutions here, or read them at the NEA website for yourself. Just know, the NEA still despises your right as a parent to oversee your child's education in public school and they oppose any aspect of what we call here in WA, "homeschooling," or "home based education."
Sooooo.... on that note, if you are currently involved in a "parent partnership program," and your child (children) are educating to meet all state curricular requirements for public school graduation..... (including the WASL,) and if this form of education you are undertaking is all done under the immediate instruction of someone licensed by the state who is helping you teach your kids only with "approved state curriculum," and if the program you are in calls this "homeschooling"...... you can bet that the NEA is very, very fond of you. You are just the kind of parent the NEA approves of because instead of your school system working for you, you, as the parent, now answer to them for the education of your kids.
If you are in a Parent Partnership Program, you are not governed by our WA state homeschool law. (They tell you this when you join their program. )
As for the NEA.... listen as General Counsel Bob Chanin says farewell.... and talks about the "power" and money and to protect the rights of adult employees, (the NEA is not an advocate for kids or in the buisness of creating great schools.)
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